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Murder mystery in East Riding fish and chip shop premiered at Beverley

East Riding Theatre’s Artistic Director, Adrian Rawlins, is directing Chippy, the Beverley-based theatre’s latest in-house production.

Fresh from playing Chief Engineer Nikolai Fomin in the new, hit, HBO series Chernobyl, Adrian is directing at ERT again and also collaborating once more with artists in New Zealand, especially Mike Friend, Artistic Director of Lyttleton Arts Factory, who will be directing the New Zealand version of the show early next year.

Adrian says ‘Much-loved New Zealand writer Joe Bennett was given the challenge of writing a play based on Macbeth, set in an East Riding chip shop! After many collaborative twists and turns the result is Chippy.’

Beth and Mack live in the back room of the Captain Twocooks fish and chip shop somewhere in the East Riding. Upstairs, unseen, but far from unheard, lies the captain, slowly dying. His presence broods over the business. Beth struggles to cope. Has he written a will? What will happen when he goes? Will he ever go? Will anyone help him go? What do you do with a body?

A funny and contemporary murder mystery where a deep-fried thriller twists and turns into a fast-food reality.

Chippy premieres at ERT in June before transferring to New Zealand. The show is ERT's first official international collaboration with Lyttleton Arts Factory, New Zealand.

Starring Hester Ullyart & New Zealand native, Tom Trevella.

Chippy Weds 19th – Sat 29th June 8 pm

Tickets £12-13.50

Box Office 01482 874050

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